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Bluefish: The Definitive Guide
Table of Contents
1. Getting and Installing Bluefish
- I. Getting Bluefish
- II. Installing Bluefish
2. Using Bluefish
- III. Starting Bluefish
- IV. The user interface
- V. Working with files and folders
- 1. Creating files
- 2. Managing directories
- 3. Opening files
- 4. Saving files
- 5. Renaming files
- 6. Deleting files
- 7. Closing files
- 8. Inserting files
- 9. Editing
- 10. Basic Find and Replace
- 10.1. Searching for a word within a whole document
- 10.2. Setting limits to the search scope
- 10.3. Case sensitive search
- 10.4. Overlapping searches
- 10.5. Retrieving previous search strings
- 10.6. More on find
- 10.7. Replacing features
- 10.8. Retrieving previous replace strings
- 10.9. Changing letter case when replacing
- 10.10. Choosing strings to replace
- 10.11. More on replace
- 11. File types
- 12. More on files
- VI. Navigation and Managing documents
- VII. More than a Text Editor
- VIII. Customising Bluefish
- 1. Modifying shortcut keys
- 2. Showing hidden files and folders
- 3. Showing backup files
- 4. Editor appearance
- 5. Customizing the bookmarks path
- 6. Customizing the html tags style
- 7. Changing the author meta tag on the fly
- 8. Customizing files handling and browsing
- 9. Customizing the user interface
- 10. Modifying file types
- 11. Modifying the files filters
- 12. Modifying the highlighting patterns
- IX. Shortcuts available within Bluefish
3. Developing Bluefish
A. Credits
- 1. Bluefish developers
- 2. Bluefish package maintainers
- 3. Bluefish translators
- 4. Supporters to bluefish
B. Bluefish change history
C. Guidelines for Writing this Manual
- 1. Introduction to DocBook
- 2. Manual building requirements
- 3. Make HTML/PDF/PostScript Versions of the Bluefish manual
- 4. Conventions for Writing this Manual
- 1. Preamble
- 3. How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
List of Figures
- IV.1. Bluefish Editor Array
- IV.2. List of open Documents
- IV.3. Bluefish Main Menu
- IV.4. Bluefish Main Tool Bar
- IV.5. Bluefish HTML Tool Bar
- IV.6. Bluefish Custom Tool Bar
- IV.7. Bluefish Sidebar Notebook Tab
- IV.8. Bluefish File Browser
- IV.9. Bluefish Function Reference Browser
- IV.10. Bluefish Bookmark Browser
- IV.11. Bluefish Status Bar
- IV.12. Bluefish View Menu
- IV.13. Bluefish About Window
- V.1. Bluefish File Menu
- V.2. The File Browser Contextual Menu
- V.3. Untitled Document Window
- V.4. The File Name Dialog
- V.5. The Directory Name Dialog
- V.6. Bluefish Open File Dialog
- V.7. Filtering Files with the Bluefish File Browser
- V.8. Info on open File
- V.9. Saving an untitled File
- V.10. A modified Document in the Documents' List
- V.11. Saving a File under a new Name
- V.12. Moving a File to another Location
- V.13. Closing a File with the Document Tab Icon
- V.14. Closing a modified File
- V.15. Closing all Files
- V.16. Inserting a File
- V.17. The Input Methods Contextual Menu
- V.18. Writing in Japanese with Bluefish
- V.19. Finding a Word in a Document, from Start to End
- V.20. Unsuccessful Search Window
- V.21. Highlighted Search Result in the Document Window
- V.22. Setting the Cursor Location
- V.23. Choosing a limited Search Method
- V.24. Limited Search Result
- V.25. Making the Search Case Sensitive
- V.26. Case Sensitive Search Result
- V.27. Finding overlapping Strings
- V.28. An overlapping String retrieved with the Find Dialog
- V.29. Retrieving recent Searches
- V.30. The Replace Dialog
- V.31. Changing letter Case when Replacing
- V.32. The Replace Confirm Dialog
- V.33. Opening an URL from the Web
- V.34. A Style Sheet opened via the Open URL Menu
- V.35. Using the Open Advanced Dialog
- VI.1. Bluefish Go Menu
- VI.2. Using the Goto Line Dialog
- VI.3. The Bluefish Project Menu
- VI.4. The Create Project Dialog
- VI.5. Creating a New Project
- VI.6. Entering Bluefish Project Filename
- VI.7. Selecting a Bluefish Project
- VI.8. Opening a Bluefish Project
- VI.9. How Bookmarks are marked
- VI.10. Bookmarks in the Side Panel
- VI.11. Menu on Bookmark in the Side Panel
- VI.12. Editing a Bookmark
- VI.13. A named Bookmark
- VI.14. The Contextual Menu on a Document in the Bookmark Tab
- VI.15. Bookmarking with Posix Regular Expression
- VI.16. Bookmarks with Posix Regular Expression
- VI.17. Bookmarking Objective C Functions via the Find Menu
- VI.18. Bookmarking PHP Functions via the Find Menu
- VI.19. Nth Occurrence with Find Again
- VI.20. Nth+1 Occurrence with Find Again
- VI.21. Selecting a String for subsequent Search
- VI.22. Finding a String from Selection
- VI.23. The table before Transformation
- VI.24. The table after Transformation
- VII.1. Indenting Part of a Text
- VII.2. Bluefish Spell Checker
- VII.3. The Reference Browser Contextual Menu
- VII.4. The Reference Browser Options Menu
- VII.5. A Function Reference Dialog Window
- VII.6. Info available for a Function
- VII.7. The HTML Tags Menu
- VII.8. The HTML Dialogs Menu
- VII.9. An HTML Button with a three-dotted Tool Tip
- VII.10. A simple HTML Tool Tip Button
- VII.11. The Replace Special Menu
- VII.12. The Insert Thumbnail Icon
- VII.13. The Multi Thumbnail Icon
- VII.14. The Insert Thumbnail Dialog
- VII.15. The Multi Thumbnail Dialog
- VII.16. The Table Icon in the HTML Tool Bar
- VII.17. Adding an Element to the Quick Bar
- VII.18. The added Element in the Quick Bar
- VII.19. Adding a Pop Up Menu Element to the Quick Bar
- VII.20. Removing an Element from the Quick Bar
- VII.21. Moving an Element within the Quick Bar
- VII.22. Accessing the Custom Menu
- VII.23. The Custom Menu Editor
- VII.24. Extract of the default Custom Menu Path
- VII.25. The Custom Replace Dialog
- VII.26. A new Custom Entry in the Menu Path List
- VII.27. A new Menu in the Custom Menu Tool Bar
- VII.28. A Block of selected Text before Activating the Menu
- VII.29. A Block of Text after Activating the Menu
- VII.30. The new DIV with Class Dialog
- VII.31. The Block of Text after Entering the Value
- VII.32. The HTML Page before the Transformation
- VII.33. The HTML Page after the Transformation
- VII.34. The Custom Menu Replace Dialog filled in
- VII.35. The Add Title Dialog
- VII.36. Bluefish External Menu
- VII.37. The Browsers Panel in Preferences
- VII.38. Selecting the Browser's Line to be Moved
- VII.39. Dragging the Browser's Line
- VII.40. Dragging the Browser's Line to the Bottom
- VII.41. Utilities and Filters Panel in Preferences
- VII.42. The tidy Output Box
- VII.43. The Output Parsers Tab in Preferences Panel
- VIII.1. Adding a Shortcut to a Menu Item
- VIII.2. Turning Files and Folders Visibility ON
- VIII.3. Bluefish with a customized Gtk Theme
- VIII.4. The Editor Tab in Preferences
- VIII.5. The Bookmarks Path Pop up Menu in Preferences
- VIII.6. The HTML Tab in Preferences
- VIII.7. The Author Meta Tag filled in on Save
- VIII.8. Update of the Author Meta Tag on Save
- VIII.9. The Files Preference Panel
- VIII.10. Choosing an Action on Backup Failure
- VIII.11. The User Interface Preference Panel
- VIII.12. The HTML Pattern
- VIII.13. The <html> Tags Pattern
- VIII.14. The HTML Attributes Pattern
- VIII.15. The HTML Attribute Contents Pattern
- VIII.16. The PHP Block Pattern
- VIII.17. The Comment (C++/single line) Pattern
- VIII.18. Syntax Highlighting Example
List of Tables
- IX.1. Shortcuts for all Document Types
- IX.2. Shortcuts for HTML Markup
- XI.1. Editor Tab Reference
- XI.2. HTML Tab Reference
- XI.3. HTML Tab Reference
- XI.4. User interface Tab Reference
- XI.5. Images Tab Reference
List of Examples
- VI.1. Retrieving all sections in an xml book
- VI.2. Retrieving all functions in an Objective C file
- VI.3. Retrieving all functions in a PHP file
- VI.4. Transforming a table into a definition list
- VIII.1. Adding a file type
- VIII.2. Adding a file filter
List of Procedures
- I.1. Getting the source
- II.1. Getting the new defaults after upgrading - First method
- II.2. Getting the new defaults after upgrading - Second method
- V.1. Writing in Japanese with Bluefish on a non-Japanese system
- V.2. Searching from selection
- VI.1. Creating a New Project
- VII.1. Generating a photos album with multi thumbnails
- VII.2. Adding a custom menu based on custom dialog
- VII.3. Adding a custom menu based on replace dialog
- VII.4. Changing the order of browsers items
- VII.5. Customizing an existent browser
- VII.6. Adding a new browser
- VII.7. Adding a Commands menu item
- VII.8. Adding an Outputbox menu item
- X.1. Running bluefish under gdb
- C.1. Getting the Bluefish manual source files
- C.2. Installing DocBook and DocBook XSL
- C.3. Installing the xslt processors and parsers