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How To edit the Wiki Manual
{{#if:3. Make HTML/PDF/PostScript Versions of the Bluefish manual|
3. Make HTML/PDF/PostScript Versions of the Bluefish manual
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Appendix C. Guidelines for Writing this Manual

3. Make HTML/PDF/PostScript Versions of the Bluefish manual

Use the following options to make and remove the various files, which will be output to a newly created bluefish-doc/built-doc directory, except for the tarballs which will be ouput in another newly created bluefish-doc/tarballs directory :

Options to make the Bluefish manual

make html or make html-one-big or make html-all

Produces the book in html format, with numerous html files or with a unique html file or with both.

make pdf-a4 or make pdf-us

Produces the book in PDF format suitable for A4 or USLetter paper.

make ps-a4 or make ps-us

Produces the book in PostScript format suitable for A4 or USLetter paper.

make pspdf-a4 or make pspdf-us

Produces the PDF and PostScript versions for A4 or USLetter paper.

make all

Produces all formats of the book.

clean html

Removes the book in html format (both outputs).

clean pdf-a4 or clean pdf-us

Removes the book in PDF format suitable for A4 or USLetter paper.

clean ps-a4 or clean ps-us

Removes the book in PostScript format suitable for A4 or USLetter paper.

clean pdfps-a4 or clean pspdf-us

Removes the PDF and PostScript versions for A4 or USLetter paper.

clean all

Removes all versions of the book.

make validate-all

Validate the whole book.

make tarball-all

Produces tarballs suitable to put on the Bluefish web site or for individual use.

If you want to create a new format, you will have to make a copy of the titlepage-a4.xml and pdf-ps-a4.xsl files in the bluefish-doc/stylesheets directory, rename them according to the new format, and modify them.

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2. Manual building requirements}}
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 4. Conventions for Writing this Manual