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6. Installing a Binary Distribution
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Chapter II. Installing Bluefish

6. Installing a Binary Distribution

Different packages -- different installation.

We will cover only a few approaches here<ref>If you want to contribute a description on how to install Bluefish on your system, just drop us a note. :-)</ref>, since the installation is very system-specific ;-). Let us have a look at some different systems:

  • For Debian users this is very simple. To download, install, and configure bluefish in “One Swift Move”, run:
    $ su - && apt-get update && apt-get install bluefish
    You can check if the version available through apt is the latest -- see the Bluefish homepage, and compare the version there with what apt-cache show bluefish tells you. If there is a newer version on the Bluefish site, download it and install the package like this: dpkg -i bluefish-ver.deb
  • For rpm based distributions, first check if your distribution has a recent Bluefish version. If it does not, download the rpm for your distribution from any of the Bluefish mirrors. Installing a downloaded rpm is as simple as pointing and clicking in your favorite GUI package manager, or issuing the following command from the command line (as root):
    # rpm -Uvh bluefish-ver.rpm
  • If you're using FreeBSD, NetBSD or OpenBSD, we probably do not need to tell you how to use your favorite package system ;-)
  • For Mac users, just install it via Fink. Depending of you operating system's version you have the choice between:
    • bluefish v. 0.7 for Mac OS X 10.1
    • bluefish v. 0.12 for Mac OS X 10.2
    • bluefish v. 1.0 for Mac OS X 10.3 and above


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 7. Post-installation Setup