Manual 2 ToC

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Bluefish: The Definitive Guide

Table of Contents (part 1)

see also:  Notes for Bluefish 2 Manual
Guidelines for Writing this Manual
Note that the manual is currently being reworked. Many pages are outdated, others not yet available. They will be made available in the near future.

Here an overview of what has been done so far:

As per What has been done
2022-12-21 All unnumbered sections under Preface and Getting and Installing Bluefish have been updated
2022-12-22 Finished reviewing all sections under Preface and Getting and Installing Bluefish, reviewed and updated Starting Bluefish

Bluefish 2.2 Manual


Getting and Installing Bluefish

Using Bluefish

The user interface

2. Menus and Tool Bars ¤ 3. Side Panel ¤ 4. Status Bar ¤ 5. Help Menu


Working with files and folders

1. Creating files ¤ 2. Managing directories ¤ 3. Opening files ¤ 4. Saving files ¤ 5. Renaming files ¤ 6. Deleting files ¤ 7. Closing files ¤ 8. Inserting files
9. Editing ¤ Undo and Redo ¤ Cut, Copy, and Paste ¤ Input methods
10. Basic Find and Replace ¤ Searching for a word within a whole document ¤ Setting limits to the search scope ¤ Case sensitive search ¤ Overlapping searches ¤ Retrieving previous search strings ¤ More on find ¤ Replacing features ¤ Retrieving previous replace strings ¤ Changing letter case when replacing ¤ Choosing strings to replace ¤ More on replace
11. File types ¤ Syntax highlighting
12. More on files ¤ Remote files ¤ Character encoding ¤ Open advanced

Navigation and Managing documents

Navigating through a document
2. Navigating through many documents ¤ 3. Projects
4. Bookmarks ¤ Generating several bookmarks at once]]
5. Find and Replace ¤ Find Again ¤ Find from Selection ¤ Find and Replace Using Regular Expressions

More than a Text Editor

1. Indenting ¤ 2. Autocompletion ¤ Hidden features ¤ 3. Spell checker ¤ 4. Function reference
5. HTML ¤ Special find and replace features ¤ Thumbnail generation
6. Customizing the Quick bar
7. Snippets plugin (was Custom menu in Bluefish 1) ¤ Adding a snippet dialog ¤ Adding a snippet replace dialog
8. External programs, filters ¤ Customizing browsers ¤ Customizing Commands menu ¤ Customizing Ouputbox menu

Customising Bluefish

Modifying shortcut keys
2. Showing hidden files and folders ¤ 3. Showing backup files ¤ 4. Editor appearance ¤ 5. Customizing the bookmarks path ¤ 6. Customizing the html tags style ¤ 7. Changing the author meta tag on the fly
8. Customizing files handling and browsing ¤ Setting the encoding meta tag on save ¤ Setting the default base directory ¤ Merging file browser views ¤ 8.4. Backup files ¤ 8.5. Using multiple instances of a file
9. Customizing the user interface ¤ 10. Modifying file types ¤ 11. Modifying the files filters ¤ 12. Modifying the highlighting patterns

Developing Bluefish

Debugging Bluefish

1. Using the Debugger ¤ 2. Filling a bug report


1. Options in the Editor Tab ¤ 2. Options in the HTML Tab ¤ 3. Options in the Files Tab ¤ 4. Options in the User interface Tab ¤ 5. Options in the Images Tab

Development guidelines

Indenting and formating style
2. Naming ¤ 3. Declaring procedures ¤ 4. Header files ¤ 5. New files ¤ 6. File reference ¤ 7. Patches
8. Translations ¤ Introduction ¤ PO files basics ¤ Shortcut keys ¤ How to contribute
9. Some tips ¤ 10. Making releases ¤ 11. Useful stuff

Table of Contents (2/3)
