Installing Bluefish

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Installing Bluefish on Debian GNU/Linux

Installing the release that is part of Debian / Ubuntu / Mint / etc.


sudo apt-get install bluefish
sudo aptitude install bluefish

or any other frontend for the package manager such as synaptic or simply "add / remove programs".

Installing the very latest release on Debian

Recent packages for bluefish are available from the official Debian packages website and can be installed by following the instructions given there.

Install the package via:

apt-get install bluefish

Report any bugs to the Debian bugtracker.

Installing Bluefish on Fedora Linux

Installing the version distributed by Fedora

dnf install bluefish

This should be the latest stable version 2.2.12. More info can be found on

Installing Bluefish on RHEL/CentOS

The latest stable version of Bluefish can be installed from the repos:

$ sudo yum install bluefish

Installing Bluefish on openSUSE

Bluefish is available in the main repository. Launch YaST and search for "bluefish" to find and select the appropriate package to install.

This process is also automated through 1-Click-Install on the openSUSE Build Service:

Installing Bluefish on Archlinux and derivates

You have several options to install Bluefish on Arch Linux and its derivates like Manjaro etc.:

  1. run $ yay -S bluefish
  2. run $ pacman -S bluefish

You can also use one of the GUI package managers like pamac or octopi. The latest version from SVN is provided by the AUR:

run $ yay -S bluefish-svn

Installing Bluefish on AltLinux

You find info on Bluefish for AltLinux here:

Installing Bluefish on Slackware

Instructions on how to install version 2.2.7 of Bluefish can be found here.

Installing Bluefish on Mac OS X

Download the latest version installer from, open it and drag the bluefish icon onto Applications.

In Mavericks there is a system setting called Gatekeeper that only allows you to install packages from Apple-identified developers. Bluefish is not distributed through the Apple app store, so you will have to workaround that setting.

Use the contextual menu (e.g. secondary-click button), and you'll see a menu with "Open" in it. This will present you with a dialogue box, asking you for permission to run the software. You will only be asked this the first time.

Alternatively, the Gatekeeper setting can be disabled. For information, see: or

Installing Bluefish on Windows XP or newer

Installing with internet connection

Download the latest Bluefish installer from the main download server:

The installer will require internet access to download GTK+ and any spell check dictionaries. Please note that the internet-enabled setup may fail if the installer is run from a network share. See below for instructions for internet-less installation.

Installing on a PC without Internet Access

Download the latest Bluefish installer from the main download server:

Download the GTK+ 2 installer (from the gtk-win project):
or from

Download any language dictionaries you wish to be able to install:

Place the downloaded files in a new directory named 'redist' in the same directory as the Bluefish installer. e.g.


The installer will fall back on downloading the files if they are not found in the redist folder, or if the checksum of the local copy is invalid.

Installing the latest development packages on any OS

While care is taken to keep development versions very stable and usable, development versions may crash, contain data eating bugs and incomplete features.
Please report any bugs you might find to Bluefish tickets

If you wish to test the bleeding edge versions of Bluefish currently under development, you should follow the instructions found on Installing Bluefish from Source

There are currently no other options available.