The function reference browser contains reference information for different programming and markup languages. Currently, Bluefish comes with a PHP reference, a CSS 2.0 reference, an HTML reference, and a Python reference. The functions are grouped, depending on the language, by type, module, object, etc.
The function reference browser will display an info window on the bottom by checking the Show info window check box. In this window, information about the currently selected item is shown. The type of information shown can be configured in the right-click context menu (see Info Type later in this text).
In the reference browser's contextual menu, you can simply insert the text for the selected item by choosing Insert. Or, you can get a little help using Dialog, which launches a dialog window containing fields for the currently selected item's attributes or parameters. For a summary of an item's usage, choose Info. The contextual menu is also accessible on a group of functions and at the top level of a reference.
Rescan reference files in case you have customized one of them, so that the new items be available.
Left doubleclick action, which can be:
Insert to insert the function in the document for latter parametrizing if needed
Dialog to insert the function in the document while filling in the parameters in a dialog window: File:Man2 browser reference dialog.pngA Function Reference Dialog Window