Manual2 Status

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Who is working on what parts of the Manual:

  • Assignments are coming...

Key for this roadmap:
DONE = this part is, um, done
...YOUR_NAME = this part is being worked on by \"YOUR NAME\"


  • About this Manual
  • What is Bluefish?
    • History of Bluefish
    • Main Features of Bluefish
    • How Stable is Bluefish?
    • Contact Us

Getting Bluefish

  • Choosing a Version
    • How and When Updates are Released
    • Operating Systems Supported by Bluefish
  • Latest Stable Version
  • Latest Developmental Version

Installing Bluefish

  • Requirements
  • Quick Standard Installation
  • System Specific Installation Issues
  • Installing a Bluefish Source Distribution
    • Quick Installation Overview
    • Installing from Development Source Tree
    • Problems Compiling?
  • Configure Options
    • Standard configuration flags
    • Flags personal to bluefish
  • Installing a Binary Distribution
  • Post-installation Setup

Using Bluefish

  • Starting Bluefish
    • Command line options
  • The user interface
  • Working with files and folders
    • Creating files
    • Managing directories
    • Opening files
    • Saving files
    • Renaming files
    • Deleting files
    • Closing files
    • Inserting files
    • Editing
  • Undo and Redo
  • Cut, Copy, and Paste
  • Input methods
    • Basic Find and Replace
  • Searching for a word within a whole document
  • Setting limits to the search scope
  • Case sensitive search
  • Overlapping searches
  • Retrieving previous search strings
  • More on find
  • Replacing features
  • Retrieving previous replace strings
  • Changing letter case when replacing
  • Choosing strings to replace
  • More on replace
    • File types
  • Syntax highlighting
    • More on files
  • Remote files
  • Character encoding
  • Open advanced
  • Navigation and Managing documents
    • Navigating through a document
    • Navigating through many documents
    • Projects
    • Bookmarks
    • Generating several bookmarks at once
    • Find and Replace
    • Find Again
    • Find from Selection
    • Find and Replace Using Regular Expressions
  • More than a Text Editor
    • Indenting
    • Auto tag closing
    • Spell checker
    • Function reference
    • HTML
    • Special find and replace features
    • Thumbnail generation
    • Customizing the Quick bar
    • Custom menu
    • Adding a custom menu dialog
    • Adding a custom replace dialog
    • External programs, filters
    • Customizing browsers
    • Customizing Commands menu
    • Customizing Ouputbox menu
  • Customising Bluefish
    • Modifying shortcut keys
    • Showing hidden files and folders
    • Showing backup files
    • Editor appearance
    • Customizing the bookmarks path
    • Customizing the html tags style
    • Changing the author meta tag on the fly
    • Customizing files handling and browsing
    • Setting the encoding meta tag on save
    • Setting the default base directory
    • Merging file browser views
    • Backup files
    • Using multiple instances of a file
    • Customizing the user interface
    • Modifying file types
    • Modifying the files filters
    • Modifying the highlighting patterns

Debugging Bluefish

    • Using the Debugger


development guidelines

  • Indenting and formating style
  • Naming
  • Declaring procedures
  • Header files
  • New files
  • File reference
  • Patches
  • Translations
    • Introduction
    • PO files basics
    • Shortcut keys
    • How to contribute
  • Some tips
  • Making releases
  • Useful stuff


  • A. Credits
  Bluefish developers 
  Bluefish package maintainers 
  Bluefish translators 
    • Supporters to bluefish
  • B. Bluefish change history
    • Changes in release GTK2-port
    • Changes in release GTK1-version
  • C. Guidelines for Writing this Manual
    • Introduction to Doc Book
    • Manual building requirements
    • Make HTML/PDF/Post Script Versions of the Bluefish manual
    • Conventions for Writing this Manual
    • The id Attribute
    • Using Screen shots
    • Referencing Bluefish interface elements
    • Using procedures
    • Using notes, tips, warnings
    • Using links
    • Others tags
    • Recommendation
    • Contact us
    • Preamble
    • How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs