Category:Snippets repository

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In Bluefish 2 Custom menu is replaced by Snippets in left panel.
Bluefish_2 become without any snippets, you have to import or create them.

To import your Bluefish_1 Custom menu in snippets you can use Olivier's python script
  • put in ~/.bluefish/ directory
  • make the script executable: $ chmod a+x
  • run the script: $ ./ > mysnippets.xml
  • import mysnippets.xml in your snippets plugin.
To make a xml file you have to select text in the edit (or the view source if you are not loggin in) page
from <?xml version="1.0"?> to </snippets>
copy your selection in Bluefish and save the file as something.xml.
After that you can import it.

Snippets are available below, Bluefish xxx snippets. Feel free to add yours!

Do not copy the files from the page!
but from the edit (or the view source if you are not loggin in).