Please send a message to the developer's list if you have questions, suggestions or would like to help with translations. By all means, don't wait for someone to give you the OK to start translating. Here are some instructions on How To Translate.
Current translation teams
It is good if there are multiple people for every language, so if anybody is on holidays or something and we want to do a Bluefish release we can have all languages updated, so please work in teams.
Active translators / teams
These translations are kept up to date (last updated Feb 13 2014):
Basque (EU) dooteo (at) euskalgnu org / Language-Team: itzulpena (at) euskalgnu org Brazilian Portuguese (PT_BR) esfingemetal (at) gmail com Catalan (CA) monica (at) Chinese (ZH_CN) mzf9527 (at) gmail com Czech (CS) marek (at) manet cz / Language-Team: gnome-cs-list (at) gnome org Danish (DA) fc (at) stilheden net / Language Team: dansk (at) dansk-gruppen dk Dutch (NL) olivier (at) bluefish openoffice nl Farsi (FA) Paymon Menhadji French (FR) falsetti (at) clansco org Galician (GL) correo.xmgz (at) gmail com German (DE) daniel.leidert (at) wgdd de Hungarian (HU) urbalazs (at) gmail com / Language-Team: hu (at) li org Italian (IT) bellingeri (at) netguru it Japanese (JA) hmatrjp (at) users sourceforge jp Norwegian (NB) chris (at) tellefsen net Nynorsk (NN) l10n (at) landro net Polish (PL) dawajpoczte (at) gmail com Russian (RU) george (at) altlinux org / Language-Team: gnome-cyr (at) lists gnome org Spanish (ES) daniel.mustieles (at) gmail com / Language-Team: gnome-es (at) gnome org Ukrainian (UK) yurchor (at) ukr net
Current development translation status
updated 2017-11-05 13:30:33 GMT for revision: 8775
- ca.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- cs.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- da.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- de.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- es.po: 16 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- eu.po: 55 fuzzy, 85 untranslated
- fa.po: 31 fuzzy, 14 untranslated
- fr.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- gl.po: 33 fuzzy, 59 untranslated
- hu.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- it.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- ja.po: 13 fuzzy, 1 untranslated
- nb.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- nl.po: 20 fuzzy, 6 untranslated
- nn.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- pl.po: 15 fuzzy, 3 untranslated
- pt.po: 70 fuzzy, 76 untranslated
- pt_BR.po: 32 fuzzy, 59 untranslated
- ru.po: 32 fuzzy, 24 untranslated
- uk.po: 12 fuzzy, 1 untranslated
- zh_CN.po: 41 fuzzy, 64 untranslated
These languages have actually no active translators:
- bg.po: 714 fuzzy, 525 untranslated
- el.po: 712 fuzzy, 642 untranslated
- fi.po: 666 fuzzy, 552 untranslated
- ko.po: 261 fuzzy, 255 untranslated
- ro.po: 761 fuzzy, 644 untranslated
- sk.po: 676 fuzzy, 443 untranslated
- sr.po: 709 fuzzy, 518 untranslated
- sv.po: 712 fuzzy, 515 untranslated
- ta.po: 676 fuzzy, 416 untranslated
- tr.po: 699 fuzzy, 513 untranslated
- zh_TW.po: 709 fuzzy, 518 untranslated
check yourself
- to check the status yourself, run make update-po in the po/ directory, this also updates the po files to reflect any changes in the .c files.
- to check only fr.po run `LINGUAS=fr make update-po´
- if make update-po fails you have to run ./configure in the top directory.
- In bluefish-2.0 there are 8 po directories:
- po/
- src/plugin_about/po/
- src/plugin_charmap/po/
- src/plugin_entities/po/
- src/plugin_htmlbar/po/
- src/plugin_infbrowser/po/
- src/plugin_snippets/po/
- src/plugin_xmltools/po/
- only po/ make have rule to use `LINGUAS=fr´.
- make distclean do not remove gmo files in src/plugin_*/po/
you have also to run rm src/plugin_*/po/*.gmo before make to apply your changes in plugins po files.
Notes and references