Getting Bluefish
Downloading binaries
We provide pre-compiled binaries for several operating systems. In alphabetical order:
Debian and Ubuntu
Packages for the bluefish stable tree can usually be installed from the Debian or Ubuntu package pool via apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, ...
apt-get install bluefish
For users of Debian stable (currently Debian Wheezy) packages are provided via Just add this repository, follow the instructions given at [1] and install bluefish like this:
apt-get install -t wheezy-backports bluefish
The old repository won't provide any bluefish binary packages any longer. After installing the bluefish backport you can also safely remove any reference to this repository including entries to sources.list and also the repository keyring (package) wgdd-archive-keyring.
Gentoo users run
emerge bluefish
to install the stable version of Bluefish.
MacOSX and Darwin
Fink users might install the stable version via
fink install bluefish
and the development version via
fink install bluefish-unstable
For Windows an installer is available. Check out the projects download page.
Downloading the source
There are several ways to retreive the source of Bluefish.
Downloading a source tarball
The source tarballs for Bluefish can be downloaded from the project master server (or one of its mirrors) or
For the stable tree, check out [2] on the master server. For the development version use [3]. The server has both versions on the same site.
After downloading compare the SHA hashsum of the tarball with the values provided at our homepage.
Downloading the source via Subversion
We have two main branches in our Subversion tree:
- the stable 1.0 branch (gets mainly bugfixes; no major rewrites)
- the development branch (major rewrites, new features, possibly unstable).
Make a checkout of the branch you want to work on. Sometimes we also have some branches, when we work on new major features or rewrites. But you usually want one of the above. For the current stable tree (1.0) use:
svn co
For the current development tree use:
svn co
If you need a special release, it can be retreived via (replace X,Y,Z with the version numbers, e.g. 1, 3 and 7):
svn co
Downloading the latest source snapshot
The latest snapshot (for the stable or the development tree) can be retreived via subversion as shown above. You can also download the source snapshot as tarball for the stable or development tree.